Street food / Food in Jeonju 전주

During my stay in South Korea, I tried to travel around different parts of the country to explore beyond what Seoul has to offer. One of the places I went to was Jeonju (전주) famous for its Bibimbap (비빔밥), Ddeokgalbi (떡갈비), and Traditional Hanok Village (전주한옥마을). I remember my Korean teacher telling me that in Jeonju, the Bibimbap is made as though it is for a king! So I had to find out during one of my school breaks where I spent 2 days in Jeonju staying at one of the traditional Hanoks that was located at the heart of the bustling Hanok village area. Here are some of the street food captures:


Cheese Chicken Skewers 치즈닭꼬치So photogenic, so cheesy, and so delicious. I actually think its also the vibe of everyone hovering around the store as they devour this. The vendor will actually help you cut the stick shorter with a plier as you eat it which is kinda like the best service.

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Gwangjang Market 광장시장 – Bibimbap 비빔밥

Apart from Kimchi, Bibimbap 비빔밥 would very well be one of Korea’s most well-known food to foreigners. To most of us, Bibimbap is commonly presented in a sizzling hot-stone, served with vegetables, a side of meat and topped with an egg. However, Bibimbap actually just means Korean mixed rice, usually mixed with red pepper paste also known as gochujang 고추장. What I love about this Bibimbap served at Gwangjang Market 광장시장 was kind of its nonchalant appeal of sitting at one of the many food stalls at a busy market, and seeing how at least ten varieties of vegetables are being added into your giant metal mixing bowl. Some stalls do serve brown rice, and some stalls just hand you a pair of tongs to add to your bowl whatever you like! They also top it with sesame oil, red pepper paste and one bean paste based sauce that I’ve never come across prior to this. One bowl averages around 5,000won.



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소녀방앗간 – Sobang Life

Chanced upon 소녀방앗간 [Romanji: So-nyeo-bang-at-kan] or translated as Sobang Life on my way to Cafe Seongsu to meet my language partner. Was particuarly drawn in to their minimalistic interior and they only have 2 items on their menu at a time. So I had the Wild Edible Greens Rice (산나물밥 6,000won) that was fixed on their menu, and the other times I visited I chose the other variation which was the Stir-fry Pork (제육볶음 9,000won) and the. best. ever: Mentaiko Bibimbap (참명란비빔밥 10,000won)*. I mean seriously, We’re talking Mentaiko here, with scallions, seaweed and a raw egg yolk all mix in one yummy harmony. I honestly went right back the next day for it. I love the integrity of the whole place and how they source for local natural ingredients and carry its flavour to the plate. Its also always exciting to see what three side dishes you’ll get each time you visit! You can purchase their in-house soybean paste and other fermented products in store.

*Sobang Life has other outlets that varies their menu differently.






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